Increase Your Sales with Online Advertising

We’ll run ads, design creative and boost your sales by 2-3x, starting from $500 / month.

10+ Happy Clients · Proven track record & Case Studies 👇🏻 · Over $500 000 spent

👇🏻 Book a 30-minute call and we’ll analyse your campaigns and give you advice on how to improve them.


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Your brand deserves more!

We arm you with the most valuable tools for success.
AI Optimization
Expert Analysis
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
TikTok Reels, Shorts Videos​
Sales Optimization
Video Production
Graphic Design
AI Optimization
Expert Analysis
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
TikTok Reels, Shorts Videos​
Sales Optimization
Video Production
Graphic Design

Viral Content

Създаваме съдържание, което се отличава в социалните мрежи и привлича повече клиенти към вашия бизнес.

Viral Ads

Създаваме реклами, които носят повече клиенти и поръчки на вашия бизнес.

Вашият бранд заслужава повече!

Георги Николов

Собственик на NineTaps

Ние сме млад екип от маркетинг експерти и дизайнери, изпълнени с много страст и енергия сферата на маркетинга, с над пет години опит.

Това, което можем да направим за вас е:

да повишим продажбите, чрез нови, иновативни маркетингови стратегии;
Да ви въведем в света на новите технологии AI (изкуствен интелект) инструменти, за подобряване на работния процес.
Да представим предимствата на вашия продукт и/или услуга с трендово съдържание в социалните медии.
Да надградим вашата онлайн идентичност.
Да развием заедно по-успешен и по-конкурентоспособен бранд на пазара.

Who are we and what can we offer to your business?

We are a small team of marketing experts and designers, filled with passion, energy, and experience in the field of marketing. What we can do for you is:

Improve your identity online
Increase sales through time-tested marketing strategies
Develop a more competitive brand on the market
Present your product and/or service better

How do we achieve your goals?

How do we achieve your goals?

We provide you with our experience and technical knowledge, thanks to which we create:

Targeted offers that showcase the benefits of your product/service
Optimisation of your website and sales pages for a higher conversion rate
Creating better converting images
Creating Informative videos that sell your product/service
Paid advertising across all social media

Case Study

SPQR SHOP – Jewelry Shop

We successfully popularized the handmade jewelry of SPQR SHOP in the USA and Western Europe. This success was achieved thanks to three key strategies: launching a new website, partnering with influencers, and creating effective advertising campaigns.

Dream Gift – Online shop for wooden products

We optimized Dream Gift’s website by increasing its speed and creating an automatic emailing system.

Pecometer – Software Programmer in England

We increased the number of new clients with a new homepage and Google advertising.

Bravis Brokers – Real Estate Broker

We increased interest in property viewings with advertising on Facebook.

С какво сме по-различни?

Работим бързо и ефективно, като стриктно спазваме обещаните срокове;
Осигуряваме честа и бърза комуникация;
Гарантираме желаните от вас резултати;
Предлагаме персонализиран подход към всеки клиент и отделяме време за всеки един от тях.
Изготвяме нови и привлекателни описания, оптимизираме продажбените процеси и създаваме конкурентни оферти.

Work Process

1. Free Consultation

First meeting: we get to know your goals and discuss how to achieve them.

2. Preparation

Creating an action strategy and presenting a sample text, images, and vision for the advertisement.

3. Execution

Launching the campaign.

4. Optimization

Maintaining the initial campaign, analyzing its effectiveness, and constant optimization with new materials.

5. Results

Achieving the set goals and feedback. Campaign optimization with new materials.

Кольо Маринов

Собственик на

Собственик на бижутерен магазин

“Изключително доволен съм. Колегите работят бързо и професионално. Отговориха на всички мои съобщения и помогнаха с рекламите. Силно ги препоръчвам.”

Get in touch

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👇🏻 Book a time for a 30-minute conversation during which we will analyze your advertising campaigns and give you free advice on how to improve them. 👇🏻


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